Proper Weapons Training
For more information on our training classes, please visit Weyer Tactical.
AR15 Rifles
Learn about your AR15 pattern rifle from basic cleaning, maintaining, troubleshooting, replacement of worn parts and customizing.
The topics we cover:
- Cycles of Function
- General Disassembly & Assembly
- Identification of Common Problems and Parts
- Nomenclature
- Identification of Group Components
- Semi, Burst, and Full Auto Parts
- Complete Armoring Disassembly/Assembly
- Barrel Replacement; Cleaning and Maintenance
- Gas System
- Parts Interchangeability, including Brands
- Accessories and Customizing
- Tool Options and Selection
- Disassembly/Reassembly
- Optics
- Accessories and Additions
All tools, manuals, and anything else that is necessary is supplied. We prefer that students bring their own weapon systems to get familiar with their own configuration and modifications. Additionally, this allows for a good thorough cleaning and inspection, plus we can replace and repair any parts necessary. This is a very comprehensive course, so be prepared to get a lot of hands-on knowledge for the low cost of $125.
Remington 870 Shotguns
Learn about your Remington 870 shotgun from basic cleaning, maintaining, troubleshooting, replacing worn parts, and customizing.
The topics we cover:
- Basic Operation
- Design
- Interaction of parts
- Proper safety checks
- Assembly & Disassembly
- Inspection of parts for excessive wear
- Maintenance
- Reassembly
- Modification/Customization
- Compatibility
- Troubleshooting
- Ordering replacement parts
All tools, manuals, and anything else that is necessary is supplied. We prefer that students bring their own weapon systems to get familiar with their own configuration and modifications. Additionally, this allows for a good thorough cleaning and inspection, plus we can replace and repair any parts necessary. This is a very comprehensive course, so be prepared to get a lot of hands-on knowledge for the low cost of $125.